EFT - Emotional Freedom TechniqueTapping & Cognomovement
Harley Street, Central London

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using EFT Tapping and Cognomovement


No.4 Harley Street, Marylebone, Central London

Call me on  0207 631 0156

I work on a one-to-one basis with Adults, Young People & Children


Are there things about yourself that you would like to change?
Are you generally feeling anxious, panicky, and finding it difficult to cope?
Are the negative effects of chronic stress getting in the way of you enjoying life?
Looking for someone or something that will help you overcome the difficulties you are experiencing in your life?
Looking for FAST RELIEF from your problems/issues?

Well, you've come to the right place! Let me tell you a little bit about myself and how I can help you.

My name is Sandra Nathan and I have around 20 years of experience in psychotherapy/counselling and transformative coaching.  My work is solution focussed and I specialise in helping busy people reduce their anxiety and stress levels. I am passionate about helping my clients achieve their goals in as short as possible a time, and,  I also empower all my clients by teaching them techniques they can use on themselves whenever they feel stressed or anxious in their daily lives.   

I integrate Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping and Cognomovement into my counselling practice to give you QUICK RELIEF from your problems and issues. I find that instead of taking months or even longer using conventional 'talk therapy', EFT tapping and Cognomovement most often achieve success in just one session, as experienced by the following client.

Client Testimonials - anxiety and stress

"From just one session with you I have let go of so much pent up emotion and anxiety that has plagued me for years. EFT tapping has revolutionised my life and I will be sure to use it in the future." Clare, London
Client Testimonial using Cognomovement
"I found Sandra to be a highly capable, experienced, caring and ethically minded professional.  Her core method is novel, yet proven and effective.  In a matter of a few sessions with Sandra I was able to see a shift on some long standing, difficult issues which had been affecting my qualifty of life.  I have no hesitation in recommending her to anyone who wants to see real improvements quickly.  I have in fact already recommended her (Sandra) to people I know."  L.H. London

See my Testimonials page to get an idea of what we can achieve by working together!

What particularly convinced me of EFT’s tapping effectiveness was my own success in ridding myself of my dental phobia – for all of my adult life I have been a very nervous patient in the dental chair, literally a quivering wreck with tears running down my cheeks – and this was before I even opened my mouth! Now, to the relief of my dentist and myself, I am no longer filled with anxiety and behave like a normal person with a normal level of concern.


What is EFT tapping and why is everyone talking about it? 

Quite simply Emotional Freedom Technique tapping is one of the most exciting breakthroughs in therapy and personal development for decades. It is a treatment for stress management, relationship issues, anxiety, phobias, PTSD, joint/muscle pain, addictions, weight issues, anger management and much, much more. Whatever your issue, using this technique will work to help you to overcome the emotional blocks that are interfering with your well being, and working together I can help you to move forward and change the negative thoughts and emotions that limit your success.

"EFT often works where nothing else will." Gary Craig, EFT Founder

(Go to https://www.thetappingsolution.com/2018event/ to find out more about EFT)

What is Cognomovement?

With Cognomovement we focus on the sensations in your body in relation to any troubling issue, processing whatever comes up, until that sensation is no longer in the body. We do this with  a Cogno ball using cross body and eye movements.  When the sensation is no longer showing up in the body, we know the issue has been processed, and will no longer be bothering you, leaving you free to become the best version of yourself! 

(Go to www.cognomovement.com to find out more about how Cognomovement can help you achieve your desire outcome!)


    CLEAR YOUR BLOCKS TO SUCCESS!Home. Library Image: Jump for Joy

Location, Contact and Fees

My practice is located at the Hale Clinic, in Harley Street, Marylebone, Central London. The address is 4 Harley Street, Marylebone, Central London W1G 1PB.
I conduct EFT tapping and Cognomovement Therapy  sessions online via Zoom or Telephone.  In fact, since Covid times, most of my work is done on Zoom, and my clients and I have not only found it to be more convenient, we also find it to be just as effective as in- person Clinic sessions.

Do call me on 020 7631 0156 and we can chat about what's bothering you and how you will benefit from our sessions together.  If I am not available, please do leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Or you can email me here

Reduced Fees:  I do have some spaces available for clients on a limited/low income, so do contact me to find out the availability.


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