EFT - Emotional Freedom TechniqueTapping & Cognomovement
Harley Street, Central London

About EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique - Call 020 7631 0156


According to EFT founder Gary Craig, "Most physical pain, including arthritis joint pain has its basis in emotional pain and EFT often works when nothing else will". EFT is one of the new 'Power Therapies', also known as ‘Energy Psychology’ and uses the ancient Chinese meridian energy system.

Simply stated, EFT is a unique version of acupuncture - except you don't use needles. Instead, you stimulate the energy meridian points on your body by tapping them with your fingertips, whilst tuning in to the troubling issue.

EFT Tapping sends pulses of energy to re-balance the body’s energy system. Shifting this natural energy changes the way the brain processes information about a particular issue, and tapping, while tuned in to the issue, is like rewiring the brain's conditioned negative response.

What Conditions Can it Help?

You can use it for just about everything. That is one of the most astonishing things about it. You can use it equally well for your fear of public speaking as you do for alleviating pain.

What Benefits can be Expected?

Headaches, back pains and other discomforts tend to improve or vanish. Your vision may become clearer and everyday stress takes less toll on your system.

Physical pain can be brought about by many different factors and many types of physical pain can be effectively treated by using EFT. Even injuries such as broken bones seem to heal more quickly using EFT. But this is not really that surprising, because EFT helps to align the body's natural energy which is used by the healing process.

EFT also alleviates the limiting thoughts and beliefs that get in the way of your success, happiness, health and inner peace.

Whatever your problem, it is worth trying EFT to help bring about the changes that you desire.

"EFT often works, where nothing else will", founder Gary Craig.

Do call me on 020 7631 0156 and we can chat about how you can benefit from our EFT sessions.

Or you can email me here


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